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微软发现Google Chrome Frame有安全漏洞

http://www.oklinux.cn  2009-11-26  solidot    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Google在9月份为Internet Explorer用户提供了Google Chrome Frame插件,微软当时就发出警告,声称插件将增加攻击面,降低IE的安全性。现在,软件巨人终于在Google Chrome Frame中发现了一个“高危”安全漏洞,能允许攻击者绕过Cross-Origin保护。而搜索巨人已经匆匆发布了补丁修复这一漏洞,Google Chrome Frame最新版本4.0.245.1已解决该问题。

Back in September, when Google launched the Google Chrome Frame plug-in for Internet Explorer users, Microsoft immediately warned that the move would increase the attack surface and make IE users less secure.

Now comes word that a security researcher in the Microsoft Vulnerability Research (MSVR) has discovered a "high risk" security vulnerability that could allow an attacker to bypass cross-origin protections.

[ ALSO SEE: Inside the Google Chrome OS Security Model ]

Here's the explanation from Google's Mark Larson:

Severity: High. An attacker could have bypassed cross-origin protections. Although important, "High" severity issues do not permit persistent malware to infect a user's machine. We're unaware of any exploitation of this issue.
The search technology company has shipped a new version of the Google Chrome Frame (version with a patch for the vulnerability.

The plug-in update also fixes several bugs:

* Network requests fail randomly.
* Fix issues with CFInstall.js to better detect compatible OS and browser versions, allow users to cancel the installation frame, and not cache the isAvailable result.
* Don't use Google Chrome Frame for frames or iframes.
* Follow redirects properly.
* IE8 freezing intermittently.
* Remove data directories on uninstall.

"All users should be updated automatically," Larson said.

上一篇:Novell eDirectory HTTPSTK web服务器栈溢出漏洞   下一篇:谷歌Chrome OS必知的10点安全常识

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