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Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha伤害Intel网卡问题得到修复

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-10-04  linuxidc   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

  根据原报告,Linux Kernel 2.6.27-RC使用的Intel公司提供的驱动会损坏部分Intel网卡用来保存MAC地址等数据的NVRAM(非易失性随机访问存储器),确切地说是Intel ICH8/9南桥芯片使用的82566、82567千兆以太网控制器,不过仅限使用e1000e系列新版驱动程序的时候。

相关阅读:使用Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha版者请注意你的网卡



In some circumstances it appears possible for the 2.6.27-rc kernels to corrupt the NVRAM used by some Intel network parts to store data such as MAC addresses.
This is limited to the new e1000e driver, and reports have only appeared from users of "82566 and 82567 based LAN parts (ich8 and ich9)" (to quote Intel). The reports seem to be isolated to laptops, but it is not clear if this is because desktop/server parts are not vulnerable, or if use cases simply increase the chances of laptop users being hit.
Once this corruption has occurred, recovery may be possible via a BIOS update, but may well require replacement of the hardware. Use of Intel's IABUTIL.EXE is strongly discouraged, as it will worsen the problem to the point where the network part will no longer appear on the PCI bus.
(this is a new description, the original one was based on too much guesswork. Below are the URLs originally referenced)
(the driver i blacklisted in Ubuntu for 2.6.27-rc in the latest releases, so if your network is not working, it doesn't have to be damaged, but just disabled in order to prevent any accidents until this bug is solved, don't wary!)

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